Very useful information you can find about different animals!
I hate that you have to use this app only when you have Wi-Fi, I hope you add more national parks or overall you can use the whole app offline when you're herping or just taking a stroll through you're garden, please add this to your next major update,thank you!
This game is really good but I want to see dinosaur
The precision of the underlying datasets must be the real restriction, but the area select could do with being made a lot smaller.
New Revolution Coming Soon
I live a mile from the centre of Birmingham (UK). Apparently, there are wild boar hiding out somewhere among the council estates and high rises, while deer wander around the leafier parts of Edgbaston. Meanwhile majestic falcons soar overhead and fight for space with the pigeons and the crows.... BS
Great job with this easy to use app! Thanks!
Many species are missing. The database of insects is quite limited. There is no option to add species that are not in the database. It would be a good idea to have that option.
I like the app as it provides the status and location of a certain species although some species are not present in the app. Most of the information of a certain species, a koala for example, is taken from wikipedia.